Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Find out Where God is Working and Join Him

I had a garage sale last weekend.  Let me just start by saying I loathe them....garage sales.  We decided to sell some furniture we had replaced to offset some of the cost of replacing it. So I can honestly say financially speaking this was the worst garage sale ever, but spiritually speaking it was the BEST!!

I was sitting in my lawn chair on the most beautiful Saturday morning- coffee in hand and cute hubby close by.  He was talking away when all at once I begin to involuntarily ease drop on a conversation between two of my customers.  On a side note, Sammy would at this point argue my eavesdropping is anything but involuntary and would call it nosiness.  Anyway, the lady is saying that she wished I had more kids tennis shoes for sale because she has kids in her gym classes that need them.  I at once apologized for my ease dropping, but asked her to tell me more.  She explained that she taught elementary PE for a local school that was in an impoverished area.  She told me that kids had a hard time having one pair of shoes that fit, let alone a pair of gym shoes to be worn during PE.  Before I even knew what was coming out of my mouth I am taking down her number and reassuring her that I know of people that can  help.  I told her a bit about the Shawnee Rescue Mission and all they do for the area and how I am sure they have kids shoes.  So we said our goodbyes and she left.

I was tempted at this point to freak out.  She needed several pairs of shoes and I honestly had not been to the mission in some time to see what they had, but instead of freaking I just prayed over it during that day and the next.  That next day I was texting back and forth with a dear friend who was finishing up the back to school drive for SRM, and I happened to mention the teacher who needed shoes.  The text she sent in response nearly brought me to tears.  The Shawnee Rescue Mission had received just a few days prior a donation of 96 pairs of new tennis shoes.  They had the shoes, I had the feet, and God had the plan. 

So today Noey and I headed for SRM and loaded up the van with shoes, school supplies, and candy too!  We headed out to the school and even got to meet some of the precious kiddos that needed shoes.  The teacher and kiddos were overjoyed and thankful.  I got back in my car and just praised God for His provision.  His plan is so much bigger than me and I am so so thankful for that.  I praised Him for working in and thru the mission.  I know SRM and their heart for children in our community.  I could speak up in confidence to this teacher and say "we can help".  I knew that the mission would load me up; and I knew God would provide shoes and so much more for His precious children.  I learned a long time ago that you "find out where God is working and join Him", and He is working at SRM.  I am so glad I got to join with Him there today! 

Blessings All!
Holly E.

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