Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sometimes its just the simple things that make us smile the most. Playing in a fountain when we are little or messing with this picture on piknic at 11:30 at night snuggled in my warm bed with my husband fast asleep next to me, and my children asleep. Its nice the sound a quiet house makes if I slow down long enough to listen. My new theme for my prayer journal is thankfulness......today I am thankful for humility and when I am humbled by the simple things it leaves me amazed! Take a moment and just enjoy simplicity today!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Welcome Fall

Woke up to a balmy 50 degrees this morning and loved it. Makes me want to bake a pie, maybe some chili, and watch football. Those things in combination may not be good for the waistline but the fashion for fall is forgiving. We are planning a trip to the pumpkin patch and corn maze...in fact Ethan has been building mazes with blocks ever since then. Also, along with fall has come germs. We have all had colds and allergies but the newest bug to set up camp has been the stomach bug. So far he has stuck to Noah only. Poor baby isn't sure what to make of it all but he is hanging in there. We own stock in Lysol after last flu season so disinfecting is no biggie. Life has begun to slow a bit and a routine has begun to emerge from summer. Home school is tough but rewarding. Seems like a good time to relax, smile, and enjoy the simple things in life! Happy fall to all!