Its been a while my blogger family and while I would love to catch everyone up with what has been going on the last three months its just not what I feel like writing about. We have had a crazy three months between sickness and business, but what I want to talk about today is closer to my heart. Anyone who knows me well knows I was born to be a wife and a momma. I wear the badge of mom proudly and devote most of my time to the task. I will say this about the last three months; it has given me some much needed time to think and slow down. Sammy and I believe that every good and bad thing the Lord allows into our lives for a purpose of His glory. That is a really big thought and I spend a lot of time searching through Scripture and pondering its full meaning. And I admit I have yet to scratch the surface of the full meaning of this, but I do know that He uses my life in simple ways to bring Him glory- by being a momma!
The past three months I have been physically unable to busy myself with business, and when I tried He slowed me down by whatever means necessary! I love to be busy and I don't sit well, but during this season the Lord has really impressed on my heart a desire to be so purposeful with what I teach my children. As words like happiness, success, the value of education, kindness, passion, love all flowed through my head none of them seemed to really resonate with what I felt God wanted me impress on them. I did want all those things but the core of what I want them to know is very different. I really want my kids to know God. I have spent more time in the Word the last three months than ever, and I don't tell you this for an accolade but instead to say that a life saturated with the Word is a life burdened to share it. I have had more meaningful and purposeful conversations with my husband and children lately because the Word has saturated my heart (blog post about that soon). As I have been doing a study in Hosea (Chains Falling by Jamy Fisher check it out)I have been completely overwhelmed for the first time with the relentless love of God. When I say overwhelmed I am talking about that feeling that keeps your leg shaking with excitement, or keeps you up at night with your mind running, and the kind of feeling that leaves you wanting to make sure you live in such a way that the people in your influence really understand what you are talking about. So with that feeling on the tips of my fingers and tongue I set about to mother in a way that shows my kiddos they are precious and chosen by God.
Practically this has meant me praying for them ALOT more. We have started memorizing chunks of Scripture, put to motions to help them remember, in an effort to give them Truth with them always! This has meant always loving them to their benefit, which sounds easy but practically it means correcting behavior when it would be more conducive to my schedule to just give in.
The big picture that God has given me is but a Small glimpse of what I am sure He has planned for these three miracles I am entrusted with. At the end of my time as the main influence on their lives I hope they walk away totally in love and in total abandonment to God. My hope isn't for them to be blessed for that will surely come to a life yielded to God, but rather that they desire above themselves to be a blessing.
Whew....that is a big job given to me!! How could I ever not think that what He has for me isn't important. How can I not give Him this too and say use this family for your glory. Use us to bless others generationally and relationally- just use us!! This is what I hope I teach you my beautiful precious children!
So pray for me as this is a bid deal...this parenting thing! I will pray for you and keep me accountable to the Word that I may love and live in a way that these babies know they are loved by the Creator and known by Him...Jeremiah 1:5
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