Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"All grown up with somewhere to go....Part 2"

I blogged about Hannah's first "non-cousin" ( I am aware that isn't actually a term) sleepover so only fitting that I blog about Ethan's very first sleepover away from home. It was with his cousin but all the same a very big deal. He and Jaxie (as we call him -Jaxon) had a big boy sleepover at Jaxon's last weekend. Ethan has been invited several times but always seemed to come up with a reason to stay home.....being that he is three these reasons were often random and hilarious, ie "its not Monday" or "my toys would miss me". This all changed last Saturday he decided he was ready and an invitation had most graciously been extended by Aunt Suzi the night before. Upon opening his eyes that morning it was upon us....and I do mean all of us....he talked incessantly about what they would play, watch, and eat. It was very cute and I am not going to lie....a little see Ethan can't tell time yet (obviously) so getting him to understand later was an all day event. Before he napped he came out with his Elmo pull along backpack and he assured me he had packed all he needed, but just because I am a mom and its what we do- I checked! He had a stuffed animal lamb thing, 6 hotwheels, a batman figure, a bolt, and a tractor.....whew I thought ...all the necessities :)! Underneath all that was a nice outfit for Church the next day and it matched, pajamas, and his toothbrush in a sandwich bag- WHAT I had to look again....could this be??? my child is as OCD as Sammy at age 3??? But upon further questioning it turns out Hannah helped with that know because she has firsthand sleepover experience! The only thing missing... underwear, and when I asked him if he thought he might need clean ones he said in true Ethan fashion "mom you are hilarious". Not sure if that meant yes or no but he packed them. He left with Aunt Suz without hesitation and made it all night and I made it all night....which was shocking to me. Our house was quiet and less chaotic and well.... just not the same. I did get a call about 7am saying Ethan was ready to come home to which I would have jumped up to and ran out the door....had his daddy not already beat me to it!! So he is officially big and we are officially sad!

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