I married up! That is for sure and anyone who knows my husband knows this is true. God completely blessed me with this man who knows just how to handle me and this is no small feat! Sammy is at his core a man after God's heart, and as his wife I am super thankful for that. He often says things that I think warrant repeating, but honestly most often times he is so on a different page than I am spiritually, I just do well to listen, pray, a tag along behind him where he leads us. He is always reading something ,but rarely posts anything on fb other than Scripture and I love that about him. That is just "how he rolls" so if he says it, reposts it, or gives an opinion on it - I listen up. The other day he posted the following on fb take a read :)
Contrary to our event-centered, leader-oriented, excitement-driven view of childhood training, the Bible seems to suggest that children learn best about true faith in the simple, mundane things of life, in watching parents honor God in the midst of the normal rhythms of everyday life........Though they may buttress our parenting, we do not "need" flashy children's programs or charismatic youth speakers. We need to be godly parents whose lives back up our faith.
- The Essential Edwards Collection on True Christianity
I read this and then read it again because honestly its Jonathen Edwards as translated by John Piper....it warrants reading twice. Once it began to soak into my brain in "holly language" it was just beautiful. I love when something the Lord has Sammy reading echos something He is telling me. Its so true- think about it. We go to this AMAZING church with AMAZING leadership and I am so thankful for our youth leaders and children's ministers for all they do and how they love our kids. My kids love them too! The coolest thing about this quote for me is that I have heard them echo it too...in words but most of all in their lives. On separate occasions I have seen both families teach, disciple, and love their own children in the name of Jesus. Their day to day lives glorify Him not just their jobs!! I have even heard our youth pastor say that how we as parents live makes the most difference in our children's lives and walks with Christ. I just love it!!
Now as for my hubby as a father- AMAZING!!! He is one of those dads that takes the time to explain the "why" and answer the questions over and over. He indulges our kids in their curiosity and is quick to talk about the Lord always. He never creates "teaching moments" but is always quick to notice them. I am so thankful that in the day to day "routine" of life my kids see daddy loving Jesus by the way he talks, acts, listens, prays, and loves! The fact he would take time to re-post this shows how close it is to his heart, and makes me just sit back and say "God, You are faithful". I had prayed since I was young for a man after God's heart, and He is faithful, and my kids are reaping the blessing!! So thanks honey for the reminder...it starts at home and ends there! There is a generational impact for the Kingdom and God intends to use the family first and then the church- AMAZING!!
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